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Deceptive Tactics Unveiled: CHESAKL ENTERPRISES, INC.'s Scheme to Deny Insurance Benefits

Insurance serves as a vital financial safeguard for businesses, particularly in industries with inherent risks such as construction, repair, high-rise work, and structural reconstruction. Unfortunately, not all insurers uphold their commitments, leading to a surge in lawsuits against employers, developers, and insurance providers. A notable case in point is the legal action undertaken by 596 E PARTNERS LLC against entities engaged in fraudulent insurance practices, including CHESAKL ENTERPRISES INC., a construction company. This disheartening episode sheds light on a devious scheme concocted to deny insurance benefits rightfully owed to an injured employee.

The distressing sequence of events was set in motion by CHESAKL ENTERPRISES INC.'s negligence, resulting in an employee's injury. Seeking due compensation, the injured party pursued an insurance claim, only to face denial from both COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY and the construction company itself. The blame was unjustly shifted to 596 E PARTNERS LLC, the builder. Consequently, a legal battle ensued, burdening the builder with substantial financial losses, including compensation for the injured party and legal expenses.

Industries involving construction, renovation, and commissioning of buildings necessitate insurance coverage for employees and contractors alike. Additionally, given the inherent risks posed by heavy machinery like excavators, cranes, hoists, and forklifts, comprehensive insurance policies are imperative to safeguard against potential accidents.

The spotlight has turned onto CHESAKL ENTERPRISES INC., which has amassed an unfavorable reputation in the construction industry due to a string of lawsuits and legal entanglements over the years. This pattern of dubious behavior has become increasingly evident, characterized by swiftly shutting down one entity only to be replaced by another carrying out similar suspect practices. The lawsuit filed by 596 E PARTNERS LLC implicates multiple defendants, including NADKOS INC., MIRKAMEL VAFAEV, OLEKSANDR NAD, COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY (also known as COLONY SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY), and CHESAKL ENTERPRISES INC.

In 2014, 596 E PARTNERS LLC entered into a contractual agreement with NADKOS INC., a residential construction company based in New York State's Kings County. The contract explicitly stipulated that NADKOS INC. was obligated to hold an insurance policy with appropriate coverage, ensuring financial restitution in the event of employee injuries for both 596 E PARTNERS LLC and NADKOS INC. Moreover, the contract mandated that 596 E PARTNERS LLC be listed as an additional insured party. NADKOS INC. was further bound to indemnify 596 E PARTNERS LLC against any claims arising from the work of NADKOS INC. or its subcontractors, encompassing legal fees. COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY issued an insurance policy to cover both NADKOS INC. and 596 E PARTNERS LLC.

In 2015, MIRKAMEL VAFAEV initiated legal proceedings against NADKOS INC. and 596 E PARTNERS LLC in the Kings County Superior Court due to an injury sustained during work, attributed to the construction company's negligence. Seeking recompense, MIRKAMEL VAFAEV pursued compensation. Despite the existence of the insurance contract, both NADKOS INC. and the insurer, COLONY INSURANCE COMPANY, rejected the claim, refusing to honor the requested compensation. This placed the burden of the claim entirely on 596 E PARTNERS LLC, resulting in additional expenses for legal representation in court.

Mirkamel Vafaev's unfortunate ordeal is but one instance of a distressing trend. The risk of injury looms large in the construction sector due to a company's negligence, encompassing safety oversights, inadequate lighting, electrical hazards, explosions, fires, perilous excavation sites, and the omnipresent danger of falling objects. A significant share of these incidents can be attributed to the construction firms themselves, who bear the responsibility of minimizing workplace hazards and providing appropriate assistance, including insurance compensation and medical coverage, in the event of injuries.

596 E PARTNERS LLC has sought the intervention of the New York State Superior Court to address this intricate situation. The plaintiff demands that the defendants fulfill the obligations outlined in the MIRKAMEL VAFAEV policy, cover legal counsel fees for representing the plaintiff in court, and provide any other appropriate remedies. The court is also urged to consider compensation for emotional distress inflicted.

This unfortunate instance sheds light on a larger issue of insurance fraud within the construction industry. Scammers exploit the high-risk nature of construction work, collecting substantial insurance premiums for activities that pose life-threatening risks. Consequently, victims never receive the promised payment or medical assistance. These matters warrant careful deliberation, as injuries can lead to incapacitation, leaving families without guardians or even resulting in fatalities due to construction company negligence.

The New York State Supreme Court now faces the complex task of unraveling this web of deception, carefully evaluating the claims of all parties involved to deliver a just verdict. The allure of profit should never overshadow the fundamental principles of empathy, responsibility, and adherence to the law, particularly when it concerns the lives and well-being of workers in the construction industry.



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